Saturday, November 17, 2012

Hi! My Name Is Jake and I'm an Epileptic...

Wednesday November 14, 2012 at approx 1:47 pm I was diagnosed with Adult onset Epilepsy.

I'm a 15 month old Lab mix.  I love going to the doggie park, hangin with my DAWGZ at Doggie Daycare a Doggie Mannerz, squeaky toys, chewing up lady Kay's slippers and laying in piles of cloths.  I steal yummy food off the counter when no one is looking, I like to chew and chew and CHEW! I'm a normal dog. And I have Epilepsy.  Lady Kay saw my first seizure on Halloween 2012.  I can't remember if that was my first one or not. But I had my 2nd and 3rd one 15 days later at 3:00 am and 3:53 am.  She called my vet the next morning. They reported the first one and my regular vet did blood work and an examination and everything was fine.  This time because I'm so young and the seizures are so violent and because I had 2 within an hour of each other my Vet felt I needed to go Advanced Veterinary Care.  It was there where I was diagnosed. They put me on medication: Potassium Bromide. I had to take 2 tablets every 6 hours for the first day and then just 2 a day from now on.  I go back to the vet to check my Potassium in 21 days.  Lady Kay has been reading up on epilepsy in doggies. I'm not the only one. That makes me feel good that I'm not alone. There are millions of doggies out there like me and they go on to live long happy lives. And there are millions of people out there like me too that have epilepsy.  I know for little kids it's scarey and sometimes it embarrasses them when it happens. I want them to know it's ok and to be strong and brave.Maybe one day when I get my own epilepsy under control I can go around to schools and talk to kids about it so they know they're not alone.
           Lady Kay says I'm an amazing doggie. And only a Dog like me would find out they have epilepsy during National Epilepsy Month. (November)

  Hi My name is Jake. And I'm an epileptic. And you can call me "Shake n Jake!!!"


Deeds (a fellow epileptic) and Magpie (the amazing seizure service dog) said...

Jake, we need to get you a purple collar now to help spread epilepsy awareness.

Hope the meds help you buddy!

ShaBANG said...
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