Monday, April 8, 2013

Something About a Hostage Situation

I am so fascinated with The Raggedys!!! Whenever I can get my paws or teeth on one they flip and flop and shake all over the place, I love it! Lady Kay must love them too cuz she has a bunch of them on her bed!
Every time I'm able to snag one of them I run as fast as I can to my Kennel so I can play, explore and dismember it. I don't know how she can tell but she always know when I have them. Like some freaky sort of k9 sense. She's always right behind me to take the Raggedys away and put them back on her bed. 
Well this morning while Lady Kay was brushing her teeth I was able to snag one!!!! Since the water was running she couldn't hear me! I ran out of the room and was so excited I forgot to run into my kennel. I didn't even make it halfway down the hallway when the thrill of it all overcame me! I laid down with such joy and just as I began to play, explore and dismember....I GOT BUSTED!!!!
Lady Kay mentioned something abt... A hostage situation....and then the Raggedy was gone.


Ohhh, but one of these days!!!

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