Saturday, November 10, 2012

Im Scared!

Human's celebrate this thing called HALLOWEEN. I don't like it very much. It's got loud creepy noises and creepy things with creepy faces hanging around doors and trees.  I got sick today and my dinner came up :( So  I wasn't feeling well.    And then this awful horrible thing happened to me.  I had what they call a Seizure.  A grand mal seizure. It was really really scarey and I couldn't stop it.

A couple days later November 2nd  I went to my Vet. Ad Salt Lake Vet services. Dr Rick Whitty did a whole examination on me. They took some blood to see if maybe I ate something that's making me sick.  I weight 54 pounds so I grew since he saw me in June and gave me my vaccinations.  After they took my blood and my temperature I got to come home.  They called back and said everything looks fine except I may have some hypertension or  hypothyroidism It's hard to tell cuz I'm still a puppy. I'm only 15 months old so I'm still growing and my  body is still changing.  I went back to the vet to get my  blood pressure checked on November 5th. It's fine.  So they think I just got into something. I hope so. Cuz Seizures are SCAREY..  

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