Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Hey folks its been a while...!

March 6 2013. 30 days w/o a Seizure!!!
Me & Lady Ali :)

It's been a while since I've updated everyone. I've got some great news! As of today, its been 30 days since I've had my last seizure!! This is the longest I've gone since mt first one Halloween 2012. Lady Kay and Lady Ali are so excited they're making me special celebration dinner with some of my favorites: boiled chicken and sticky rice!
My Vet worked really hard to make sure my medication is the right dosage. He didn't want to put me on the phenobarbital
right now because I'm still pretty young and eventually it will fail my liver. So I take 6 capsules of potassium bromide every day 3 with breakfast and 3 with dinner and its working! I'm happy because when I get the seizures they scare me. Sometime they happen when In sleeping. They should just let sleeping dogs lie (down that is...). I've started to go blind when I have them and last last about 10 minutes before I start to see again. I'm afraid one day it will happen when I'm all alone and I might hurt myself in my kennel. But I know no matter what the ladies do their best to take care. Of me. My family is cool!

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