Friday, April 26, 2013

They See Worry In My Eyes...!

 I went . to my Vet today and saw Dr Witty! He's my buddy. A cool guy with a ponytail and soul patch! I haven't seen him for a few months.  

Lady Ali took me in today to get some blood work done and check my Potassium levels. She also took in the charts for when I have my shakes so the Dr could look and notice any patterns. He decided that it was time to put me on Phenobarbital along with my Potassium Bromide. He also gave them some liquid Valium because a couple of weeks ago I had a seizure that was almost 5 minutes long. When they get to be 5 minutes long it's an emergency situation and they have to rush me to Advanced  Veterinary Care.
   So today I had lots done: Rabies Shot, blood work up to check my potassium levels a Thyroid panel,
   When I walked in for some reason I was scared and didn't really recognize anyone. People kept wanting to pet me but I really wasn't sure if I wanted to be touched.  I was even shaking really bad when they put me on the table to draw my blood and stuff.  Dr Witty thought that was a new reaction because I had never done that before.

 Lady Ali told him I had been running into things lately and that my distance judgement is off.  So Dr Witty looked into both of my eyes.  He looked kind of funny afterwards.  Lady Ali said he was giving us  "The Dr Face."   He told her that he could see something going on with the Optical Nerves in both my eyes, but didn't have the equipment to see everything properly.  He Called it Eddyma. Well I know a guy named Eddy and I'm pretty sure he has a Ma'.  But why would she be in my eyes??   When we got home we looked up the meaning.   It is actually called EDEMA. What that means is fluid build up.  The Dr had a worried look in my eyes. He has suggested we get a brain scan done to look inside my head and see what's going on.  But he says that it explains a lot. It explains why my blood pressure is so high because I can't see so well, And Im probably so skittish because i can't see so well. And I like a lot of sun because it helps me see... And it feels sooo good!

The Ladies keep looking at me kind of sad. They're trying to act normal but there is sadness in their eyes. I heard the word tumor. I hear that word a lot with the word cancer. That C word makes people cry. So I hope I don't catch that C word that makes people cry.  The ladies are trying to help raise money for me for the brain scan. They have donation pages for me and will be having a yard sale to help  with the funds.  I hope that I'm OK and I hope I can continue to be with the ladies for a long healthy time!
One of my donation pages is on my blog.   The other page I we like  Ialso have a page. You can click on these words to get to it: Give Forward.
Thanks for those who have donated already, even though it's not much every penny helps :)

Monday, April 8, 2013

Something About a Hostage Situation

I am so fascinated with The Raggedys!!! Whenever I can get my paws or teeth on one they flip and flop and shake all over the place, I love it! Lady Kay must love them too cuz she has a bunch of them on her bed!
Every time I'm able to snag one of them I run as fast as I can to my Kennel so I can play, explore and dismember it. I don't know how she can tell but she always know when I have them. Like some freaky sort of k9 sense. She's always right behind me to take the Raggedys away and put them back on her bed. 
Well this morning while Lady Kay was brushing her teeth I was able to snag one!!!! Since the water was running she couldn't hear me! I ran out of the room and was so excited I forgot to run into my kennel. I didn't even make it halfway down the hallway when the thrill of it all overcame me! I laid down with such joy and just as I began to play, explore and dismember....I GOT BUSTED!!!!
Lady Kay mentioned something abt... A hostage situation....and then the Raggedy was gone.


Ohhh, but one of these days!!!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

RUFF After Shocks!!

This morning I had my longest and most violent shakes ever. I didn't think I was EVER going to stop!


  They were FOUR long minutes!  My doctor's say if they ever get to be 5 minutes are more to bring me into the Animal Emergency Room. I don't ever want them to be that long. For the last 2 minutes I stood up but couldn't see anything. It was so scary so I tried to run. But each time I lunged forward I felt like I was being choked which scared me even more. I just wanted to get away and kept lunging forward. I don't like when I can't see anything or any body like that.   The ladies tried to put ice packs on me but they weren't really cold  enough. Finally someone started hugging me really tightly to keep me still  and to stop bumping into the wall and windows.  During the last minute I could see Lady Kay was holding me to keep me safe.  She kept calling my name to let me know I wasn't alone and I was safe. It was still scary.  After I stopped shaking they gave me some of that Ice cream stuff  I heard them talking about.  I LIKE IT...and it makes me feel better.  Usually after my shakes I have another withing a few minutes. I only had one this time.  THANK GOODNESS!!! Just having the long one was terrifying enough.  For a really long time afterwords I just walked and walked around the house.  I was really hungry and ate all my food and drank all my water.  I finally fell asleep

 I heard the Ladies say my medication isn't working like they hoped and now they may have to do some other things for me.   They're sacrificing so much to make sure I get well.  I LOVE MY LADIES!

Side Note: When we adopted Jake we wanted to save a life. Since he's been part of the family we are doing our best to help him reach his highest doggie potential. Part of being a responsible animal owner is to get them the training they need to be good canine citizens and to make sure they have their regular health needs taken care of.  Adopting pets is like having children, you don't know what issues and ailments they're going to come with.  Jake's medications are getting expensive as we try to narrow down the cause if his seizures and how to manage them.  There are 2 very important tests he needs to help zoom in on and narrow down his health concerns: One is a  brain scan, the other is a thyroid test. Some of our friends suggest we put him down and take him out of his misery, or take him back to the Human Society where he is sure to be put down because of his medical issues. It angers me how easily it is for some to just toss a life away.  I say to them... Would you put down your own child with epilepsy? down syndrome? Autism?
 Would you take them to foster care or abandon them to be someone else's problem?  Most of these people have the nerve to look at me like I have two heads when I turn the pages on them. They wouldn't dream of doing such things.  And neither would we.
      We've set up a DONATION PAGE for those who are so inclined to help us with raising money to help us get these 2 tests for him. We are confident once his testing is done and we further know how to regulate his situation we'll be able to continue to handle his rx medications.  As an Animal Ambassador and Awareness Dog for Pet Epilepsy, we will be blogging his progress and life every step of the way in hopes to help with  finding a cure and a managing solution for epilepsy in pets and in people. Every penny will help!

Friday, April 5, 2013


 Man O Man it's been nice and warm! I LOVE IT! The ladies say I should be named Sunny the Sun-dog! Around noon I start looking for the bright spots in the room and "lazing down". They also say I've been smiling lately. I was hard for me to smile when it was cold and I was having the shakes every few days. But the sunshine helps.  Sometimes when it gets too hot, I have to do my spider dawg impression and sleep on my back. I cant wait til I get to start taking walks again! Lady Kay used to take me before and after she went to work AND to the dog park on weekends! That was a lot of playing so I did a lot of sleeping!  Thats ok because that's 2 of my favorite things.


  King of Jungle?? NOT ME the Lions can have it! I'm gonna soak up the sun..... Im gonna tell everyone to lighten up! Being king of the rays is where it's at!  And when I make myself too hot from  being in the sun too long they give me frozen chicken bullion cubes to eat. When it's hot and we go on walks I have a puppy back pack and they put ice packs in the pockets to keep me cool.   They ladies also keep talking about something called "swimming!"  I don't know what that is but if it's fun in the sun.... I say lets do it!  I'll keep y'all posted!